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Our Community Service-Learning Program provides Juveniles an opportunity to repay their debts to society by completing a set number of hours assigned by the Court, School or Probation Department. This program seeks to provide juveniles, with a community service order, the resources necessary to complete their assigned hours. Our program focuses on providing community service hours through assignment and activities encompassing education, advocacy, civic engagement, and service learning.


Our Approach:



You will be given the opportunity to use your brain by completing a variety of research assignment to help you develop your awareness in the areas of the community (local, national, world), hot topic issues (example: Bullying or Global Warming) and personal development.



You will be given the opportunity to help-out physically at a local food bank, community garden, neighborhood clean-up, local church or nonprofit organization. 



 Once you have completed your assignments, you will work on putting a presentation together to report out on your community service experience. The expectable presentation includes: PowerPoint Presentation, YouTube Public Service Announcement Video, Oral Presentation or a 500-word essay


Directions for Mind Assignments:

  1. Email Andrew Quiñones @ to confirm your participation in the program.

  2. Once I receive your 1st email, you will be emailed back a list of research assignments to complete at your own pace. For every research assignment, you work on, you will log in your work-time on the timesheet provided by the IVVRC.

  3. Once you complete each assignment, you will email me a brief description of what you learned from your research.


Directions for Body Assignments:

  1. Go to our monthly calendar for community service opportunities @   

  2. Text Andrew Quiñones on Monday-Fridays (2pm-6pm) @ 909-973-6713 to ask for a weekend or afterschool community service opportunities. 

  3. Visit with your local church or nonprofit organization to ask for community service opportunities. If they can use your help, have them contact me @ 909-973-6713 and I will send them over a timesheet with your name and information.


Directions for Spirit Assignments: (1-4 hours)

  1. Once you have completed all your assignments, you will work on putting together a written, oral or social media presence to share with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

    1. Expectable presentation includes PowerPoint, Public Service Announcement (PSA) YouTube Style, Social Media Campaign, essay or oral presentation.

    2. Once you’re ready to present, call us to make an appointment.


Once your community service hours are completed, we will give you a certified completion letter to return to the Court or Probation Officer. If you have any questions or concerns along the way, please feel free to contact me by text, phone or email.


Thank you,


Andrew Quiñones

Executive Director


Welcome to the SoCal Service Corps’

Court Alternative Sentencing Program for Youth Offenders

@ the Inland Valley Volunteer Resource Center

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Main Office Phone: 909 - 623 -1284

Office Fax: 909 - 623 - 2568


 Non-Profit 501c 3

Corporate # 0895793

Established in 1978

Volunteer Center of the Greater Pomona Valley, Inc

©2018 by Southern California Service Corps. Proudly created with

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